Saturday, March 25, 2006

A more serious post... for a change...

This post will be in English again, it’s about a global matter, and therefore I don’t wish to restrain it to Portuguese readers only.

World "by night"

Last week I’ve read an article about our environmental future and I have to tell you, I knew it was bad, but not that bad.

This article was an interview with Lester Brown, president of the “Earth Policy Institute” and founder of the “Worldwatch Institute”.

The main question is “Is our present economic system sustainable?”

The answer is clearly – NO!

There were several facts that caught my attention, specially about developing countries:

- China is now importing more cereals, meat, coal, steel and energy than the USA.

- If the Chinese economy continues to grow at 8%/year by the year 2031 the average per capita Chinese income will match that of the Americans.

- With such per capita income, China will consume 2/3 of the global cereal production.

- The Chinese paper consumption will by two times the global production. Meaning that all the forest in the planet will be used for paper production…

- If, like the Americans, Chinese will have an average of 3 cars for each 4 persons, they’ll have 1,1 billion cars. Today the world has 800 million cars.

- The necessary roads and parks for such a fleet will take the same space as Chine uses today for rise crops.

- This will also mean a consumption of 99 million barrels of oil per day, 15 million more barrels than what we produce today.

- By 2031 India will have even more population than China.

Mcdonalds in China

It inevitable not to recall the fate of Easter Island. An island where the local civilization disappeared after cutting off all the trees in the island to build fishing boat. That is our fate, is we don’t do anything about it!

According to Lester Brown, with our present behavior, our ecosystem will not last more than 20 years.

The world population has gone from 2 500 to 6000 millions in last 50 years and the planet’s natural resources are running out.

I can’t help to remember the words from “Agent Smith” in “The Matrix”:

I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I’ve realized that you are not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus.”

Although fictional, if have to admit that there is a point there…

We are in fact spreading, the world population increases 70 millions each year and every year 3 million hectares are turned into roads and building. Also the decrease in underground water lines is resulting in less and less cultivatable land.

With the food production is decreasing and a growing population, soon prices will increase dramatically, resulting in social problem and even military conflicts.

If there are wars over oil today, there will be over other resources in the future…

So, are doomed?

Some steps have been given which can give as some hope, such as new “green” energy sources, reforestation initiatives and mainly a growing environmental awareness.

However, we are still running out of resources, and main resource we are out off is – time!

We can go on with our present lifestyle and watch our own collapse, or we can try to do something about it.

This will be a decision that will mark our generation and affect those to come...



Blogger hala_kazam said...

só para dizer que sabe inglês


nao ... é um pos serio sim senhor...digno de aplausos...
a decisao está nas nossas maos :)
entao por que esperamos???


(tb queres com flahs,ou preferes á escuras :) )

25 March, 2006 23:05  
Blogger Unknown said...

Regarding the comparison of USA and China livestyles it seams to me that you were a bit tendencious, I don´t belive the chinese will gro on the same way the americans did, they have diferent ways of living and thinking...
on the other hand we are running out of resourses as you say!
In my opinion we are kind of blindfolded, we know everything is going the wrong way but we keep on going the same direction...
bom fim de semana

26 March, 2006 13:22  
Blogger RCataluna said...

Óptimo artigo!


26 March, 2006 14:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

De facto um post sério...Mas tudo o que está a acontecer...tudo o que foi referido é por culpa única e exclusiva do HOMEM...
Allex, porquê publicas um post com um assunto tão importante em inglês? Eu não sou expert em inglês, e há coisas que não apanhei. E haverá também quem nada percebe por exmplo de ingles.
Beijo ternurento para ti e mesmo assim, parabéns..

26 March, 2006 18:58  
Blogger Sereia said...

Escreves mto bem em inglês!!

27 March, 2006 12:38  
Blogger Sol said...

Fizeste-me sentir culpada, por ajudar a destruir o nosso ambiente. Confesso que não vou a lado nenhum sem o meu carro, talvez não faça todo o tipo de reciclagem que deveria, sou uma amante da escrita e neste momento dou conta do papel que estrago...
"time is running out" vou tentar melhorar a minha conduta e esperar que os outros façam o mesmo só assim se muda alguma coisa!!

27 March, 2006 15:46  
Blogger Allex said...

Just do it! ;)

Acho k esperamos as coisas fikem mesmo mas para ai acordarmos.
Afinal, Pressao é o k transforma carvao em diamantes...
Bj (pode ser as escuras)

Well, we do have chinesse kids eating Mcdonald's already! Do you realy think they won't adopt the "american lifestyle? I think they will tend to walk the same path as the americans, yes...
I agree about the blindfolded thing

Obrigado, eu so peguei nos dados de um artigo k saiu a semana passada numa revista do publico (20/03/2006)

Eu decidi escrever em ingles porque achei k nao devia limitar o post a leitores portugueses. É verdade k nem todos os portugueses falam ingles, mas sao mais akeles k falam ingles e nao portugues.
Mas se kiseres, mandas-me um mail com as partes k tiveste duvidas k eu traduzo ;) (podes usar o mail do perfil)

Concordo k o Homem tenha inventado Deus para santificar a sua obra.
Mas nao concordo k nao te consideres parte dessa especia, porque so o simples facto de existires torna-te parte dela.
Nao por simplesmente exigistires, mas por acenderes a lampada da tua sala, por ligares o teu fogao, por comprares a tua comida no supermercado, por tantas outras pekenas coisas k conisderamos insignificantes mas k kd vistas aos milhoes...pesam!
Bj (nao, isto nao é so para te chatear :p )

Obrigado :)

Ainda bem k o post ja fez alguma coisa ;)
Culpa nao é propriamente o melhor efeito k um gajo pode causar a uma mulher, mas nao se pode ter tudo... :p
Isso da reciclagem de papel tb tem muito k se lhe diga...
Sabes k o processo de reciclagem do papel nao é nada "amigo do ambiente" mas um dia destes eu escrevo sobre isso, se bem k tenho k reler algumas coisitas...

27 March, 2006 17:31  
Blogger Lua said...

Um post muito interessante e com várias mensagens:

1ºAprendam inglês!
2ºNão viver na china!
3ºNão "sair" com indianos!
4ºVer o Matrix!
5ºComer tudo hoje, porque amanhã pode não haver!
6ºAprender a andar de patins!

Calma...estou só a humorar, se bem que o post não é para brincar!!

28 March, 2006 17:55  
Blogger Lua said...


Beijinho para o meu colega SNA

28 March, 2006 17:56  
Blogger Allex said...

bjitos Lua ;)

30 March, 2006 01:22  
Blogger Stella Noir said...

qualquer um que leia esse artigo, deve sentir um certo panico ... eu fiquei um pouco assustada pois (Desculpem a minha ignorancia) nao me dou ao trabalho no dia a dia de pensar em coisas tao basicas... eis a sociedade de hoje, comodista .. tems razao Alex... we are in fact doomed!!!!!! its quite alarming to read the facts!!


12 April, 2006 02:22  

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